Helpful Articles For Models & Actors

Tips for Perfecting Your Female Headshot

How To Become An Editorial Model

Editorial vs. Commercial Modeling

Best Networking Tips for Freelance Models

Why Your Freelance Modeling Portfolio Matters In 2024

7 Best Social Media Strategies for Freelance Models In 2024

Fashion Industry 101: A Guide For Beginner Models

How to Take Model Headshots
So read on to get the insider tips on how to take model headshots that will get you work and propel your modeing career.

How To Choose A Headshot Photographer
There's one critical factor that can make or break your headshot experience…

Woman's Guide to Professional Headshots
When it comes to professional headshots for women, every detail matters in presenting yourself in the best light possible. From wardrobe selection to skincare prep, each aspect plays an essential role in capturing a polished and confident image.

What You Need to Know About Modeling Digitals In 2024
When it comes to modeling digitals in 2024, ensuring you master this important aspect of your portfolio is key for attracting the right attention in the industry. From understanding the necessary photography techniques to perfecting your appearance and mental preparation, there's a lot to think about.

What Casting Directors Look for in Actors Headshots
What exactly are casting directors looking for in your actor headshots? Let's explore the key elements that can make your headshot stand out and leave a lasting impact on those who hold the key to your next big role.

A Beginner's Guide to Actor Headshots
Understanding the basics of headshots, like picking the right photographer and posing well, sets you up for success in the acting world.

Tips for Flawless Actress Headshots
What truly sets apart a good headshot from a great one? Let's explore the nuances that can elevate your images and help you stand out in the competitive acting industry.

Modeling And Tattoos - Can You Do It?
As a model, the decision to ink your skin can greatly impact your career trajectory, with both challenges and opportunities.

3 Things You Need To Plan Ahead For Modeling In 2024
To stay competitive in the modeling industry, understanding current industry trends is essential for managing your modeling career successfully.

Advantages of Updating Your Actress Headshots
In this article we will explore how updating your actress headshots can make a significant impact on your acting career.

Female Headshots Guide for Beginners
When taking female headshots, there's a multitude of elements to think about to guarantee your images stand out from the competition.

How to Capture Confidence in Professional Headshots
In this article you’ll learn some practical tips and techniques that will help you exude professionalism and confidence in your professional headshots.

Why Models In 2024 Make Less Money
In 2024, models are facing a remarkable shift in their earnings, and the reasons behind this shift may surprise you.